
If your trying to find enlightenment you've come to the wrong place because I too seek enlightenment.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Who will save your soul?

Sitting here listening to my wide variety of music I find a short lasting portal to my inner self. I find an escape from the real world by diving into the meaning of my vast songwriters minds. What is your escape from reality? I really want to know how genuine and unique I truly am, if I am at all. RANDOM SIDE-NOTE, I won't be capitalizing anymore of my i's from now on. i like the informal style that comes from not having perfect grammar or punctuation and at the fear of being perceived as an idiot i thought i would inform you. I believe that every person wants to think that they are one of a kind, but the more i think about it the chances of me being the first person in the history of mankind to act and speak like i do is slim to none. People's mannerism's come from generations of adaptation, right? So i am be the first to express myself as successfully as i do but what i'm expressing isn't new just newly expressed...that sounded more complicated then it should. My example of this is going to come from high school. My high school band director had a habit of finding controversial opinions and facts and spouting them at his classes and making it seem as though he was the origin of this knowledge when in fact the internet led him to this, so when the students started stumbling across this information on their own he was out of creative forces, but he led us to this information so he actually made us capable of our own understanding. 

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